Planetbase class d best location

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(Except if you are playing on the Storm Planet, because there is no natural disaster except lightning in that Planet and lightning is not associated with the Control Center) Without it, you cannot force your colonists indoors during Sandstorms or Solar Flares. Get the Control Center as soon as possible.One Biologist can maintain about 2 - 3 pads. If a pad's condition gets to very poor, the pad will stop producing food until it gets repaired. Maintaining a pad does not require any other resources. Plant pads must be maintained by a Biologist.If you would like to see a list of recipes that result in a Complex Meal, please see the Meals page.When GM Tomatoes are available, the ratio becomes 1:2.667, ie roughly three gm tomatoes for every eight wheat. Tomatoes and wheat should be planted in a 1:2 ratio, ie one tomato for every two wheat.Always have mixed meals to prevent malnutrition, pasta is a good, easy starter (tomatoes and wheat is a simple pasta recipe).

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